Sorting Algorithm in 8085 Assembly Language

This is the algorithm for bubble sort in 8085 assembly language. Here, the size of the list is to be stored by the user at 0040H, and the contents of the list form 0041H. The sorted list will be printed at the same memory location in sorted after the complete execution of the algorithm. The algorithm is given as follows:

Address Label Mnemonics Comments
0000H START LXI H, 0040H Load the address where the size of the list is stored in the HL pair
0003H MVI D, 00 Initialize 00 to D register
0005H MOV C, M
0006H DCR C Decrement C register
0007H INX H Increment HL pair
0008H CHECK MOV A, M Load the element in the accumulator
0009H INX H Increment HL pair
000AH CMP M Compare accumulator and the next element
000BH JC NEXT If accumulator is less, then carry flag is set and NEXT label is reaches
000EH MOV B, M Swaping is done, otherwise
000FH MOV M, A Swapping
0010H DCX H Swapping
0011H MOV M, B Incr
0012H INX H Incr
00013H MVI D, 01 01 is stored to remember that exchange was taken place
0015H NEXT DCR C Decrement C
0016H JNZ CHECK Check if the lenght of the array is traversed or not
0019H MOV A, D Move contents of D in accumulator
001AH CPI 01 Compare accumulator contents with 01
001CH JZ START Jump to start if D=01H
001FH HLT Terminate the program

You can try the same in the simulator below: