Searching Algorithm in 8085 Assembly Language

To perform binary search, the array must be sorted. We are taking the lower limit into L and upper limit into H. The array location is stored at DE register pair. The mid is calculated using (H + L)/2. To perform this division, we are just shifting it to the right one time. Then put the mid value into D and check the item located using DE. if the number is same, then jump to end and store 1 at 0101H. This indicates that item is found, and also store the mid value as index. If the mid is not matched, then there are two case, if the number is smaller than the mid element, then it is in the lower half, so the upper limit will be mid – 1, in another case it will be in the other side, so the lower limit will be mid + 1. If the item is not found it will store 02 at location 0101H.

Here Data can be added using the following set of instructions at any place after 0100H, In this code the key element to be searched is stored at 0100H.

Address Mnemonics Comments
0000H MVI A, F8 Here, F8 in hexadecimal is stored in the accumulator
0002H STA 0110H The value F8, which was stored in accumulator is now stored at the address 0110H in memory
0005H MVI A, 04 Here, 04 in hexadecimal is stored in the accumulator
0007H STA 0100H The value 04 is stored in accumulator as key

The algorithm can be given as:

Address Labels Mnemonics Comments
0000 LDA 0100H Load the Key(to be searched) into A
0003 MOV B,A Store the Key into B
0004 XRA A Clear A
0005 STA 010H Store the number of iterations in 0103H
0008 MOV L,A Store A in L
0009 MVI H, 09 Load 9 into H, This is done as I have assumed array to be of length 10
000B START LDA 0103H Load the number of iterations into A
000E INR A Increment A
000F STA 0103H Restore the number of iterations
0012 MOV A, H Move Upper Limit from H into A
0013 CMP L Compare A and L
0014 JC NOTFOUND If carry=1, jump to NOTFOUND
0017 ADD L Add L to A
0018 RAR Divide A by 2 by rotation to right
0019 MOV C, A Store mid value into C
001A JNC RESET If carry=0, jump to RESET
001D CMC Complement the Carry
001E RESET LXI D, 0110H Load the initial address of array in DE pair
0021 ADD E Add E to mid
0022 MOV E, A Store index at E
0023 XRA A Clear Accumulator
0024 ADC D Add D to A with carry
0025 MOV D, A Restore A into D
0026 LDAX D Load A with the value of mid position
0027 CMP B Compare it with key
0028 JC ELSE If carry=1, jump to ELSE
002B JZ PRINT If zero flag is set jump to PRINT
002E MOV A, C Take mid from C to A
002F DCR A Decrement A
0030 MOV H, A Update the Upper Limit to A-1
0031 JMP START Jump to Start
0034 ELSE MOV A, C Load the mid from C to A
0035 INR A Increment A
0036 MOV L, A Update Lower Limit with L + 1
0037 JMP START Jump to Start
003A PRINT MVI A, 01 Load 01 as item in found
003C STA 0101H Store the result at 0101H
003F MOV A, C Take the mid from C to A
0040 STA 0102H Store the index of Key into 0102H
0043 JMP END End the task
0046 NOTFOUND MVI A, 02 Load the 02 into A to indicate that key is not present
0048 STA 0101H Store the result at 0102H
004B END HLT Terminate the program

You can try the same in the simulator below: